Weight Converter

Quick and accurate conversions between KG, Pounds, Grams, and Ounces

Kilograms (kg)

Convert From Kilograms (kg):

Pounds (lb): -
Grams (g): -
Ounces (oz): -

How the Calculations Work

Conversion Formulas:

  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 2.20462262185 Pounds (lb)
  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 1000 Grams (g)
  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 35.27396195 Ounces (oz)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 0.45359237 Kilograms (kg)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 453.59237 Grams (g)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 16 Ounces (oz)

10 Common Conversion Examples

1. Converting 1 kg to pounds

1 kg = 2.20462 lb

2. Converting 100 pounds to kg

100 lb = 45.359 kg

3. Converting 500 g to oz

500 g = 17.637 oz

4. Converting 16 oz to pounds

16 oz = 1 lb

5. Converting 2.5 kg to g

2.5 kg = 2500 g

6. Converting 750 g to pounds

750 g = 1.653 lb

7. Converting 5 pounds to oz

5 lb = 80 oz

8. Converting 1000 g to kg

1000 g = 1 kg

9. Converting 20 oz to g

20 oz = 566.99 g

10. Converting 50 kg to pounds

50 kg = 110.231 lb

Weight Conversion Guide - How to Use Our Converter

1. Enter Your Value

Simply type any number into the input field. Our converter will automatically update the results as you type.

2. Select Your Unit

Choose your starting unit from the dropdown menu (KG, Pounds, Grams, or Ounces).

3. View All Conversions

Instantly see your value converted into all other units below the calculator.

Available Weight Conversions

Kilogram (KG) Conversions

  • KG to Pounds Converter

    - Convert kilograms to pounds with precision
  • KG to Grams Converter

    - Easy conversion from kilograms to grams
  • KG to Ounces Converter

    - Transform kilograms into ounces accurately

Pound Conversions

  • Pounds to KG Converter

    - Convert pounds to kilograms instantly
  • Pounds to Grams Converter

    - Transform pounds into precise gram measurements
  • Pounds to Ounces Converter

    - Quick pound to ounce conversion

Gram Conversions

  • Grams to KG Converter

    - Convert grams to kilograms easily
  • Grams to Pounds Converter

    - Transform grams into pounds
  • Grams to Ounces Converter

    - Precise gram to ounce conversion

Ounce Conversions

  • Ounces to KG Converter

    - Convert ounces to kilograms accurately
  • Ounces to Pounds Converter

    - Transform ounces into pounds
  • Ounces to Grams Converter

    - Quick ounce to gram conversion

How the Calculations Work

Conversion Formulas:

  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 2.20462262185 Pounds (lb)
  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 1000 Grams (g)
  • 1 Kilogram (kg) = 35.27396195 Ounces (oz)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 0.45359237 Kilograms (kg)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 453.59237 Grams (g)
  • 1 Pound (lb) = 16 Ounces (oz)

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are these weight conversions?

Our conversions are precise to 5 decimal places and use internationally recognized conversion standards.

Why do I need to convert between weight units?

Weight unit conversion is essential for international trade, cooking, fitness tracking, and many other daily activities where different measurement systems are used.

Which countries use which weight systems?

Most countries use the metric system (kg, g), while the US primarily uses the imperial system (lb, oz). The UK uses a mix of both systems.

Can I trust these conversions for commercial use?

While our converter is highly accurate, for official or commercial purposes, we recommend verifying with certified measurement tools.